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A Guide to Lab Grown Diamonds

In the ever-evolving world of luxury and sustainability, lab grown diamonds have emerged as a brilliant alternative to their mined counterparts. Ethically sourced man made diamonds not only sparkle with beauty but also carry a lighter environmental footprint. 

This guide covers what you need to know about lab grown diamonds including how they are formed and their advantages.

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What is a Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab created diamonds are man-made stones that closely resemble natural diamonds. They share identical chemical and optical characteristics with naturally occurring diamonds, as they are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal structure.

Lab Grown Diamond vs Natural Diamond

Lab made diamonds and natural diamonds differ in their formation, rarity, and value. Lab grown diamonds are mass-produced in weeks, while natural diamonds take billions of years to form. The former has lower prices and no resale value, while the latter commands higher prices with a resale value of at least 50%. Distinguishing between lab created and natural diamonds is challenging without specialised equipment. Gemologists often rely on grading reports to identify the origin, examining inclusions and light reflection.

How are Lab Diamonds made?

Lab diamonds replicate the natural diamond formation process but in a controlled, accelerated environment. Unlike the millions of years it takes for natural diamonds to form under intense heat and pressure, lab grown diamonds take only a few weeks.

The process begins with a diamond seed—a small piece of diamond—encased in a chamber designed to simulate Earth's crust conditions. Two primary methods, High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), are employed. HPHT applies extreme heat and pressure to the diamond seed and surrounding carbon atoms, while CVD uses chemical gases to deposit crystallised carbon atoms onto the seed. The result is a synthetic diamond that is chemically identical to its natural counterpart.

  • High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT): Lab grown diamonds can be created using HPHT, where carbon is subjected to high pressure (5-6 GPa) and high temperature (1,400–1,600°C) to mimic the natural diamond formation process.
  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD): Another method involves using CVD, where a carbon-rich gas is ionised to create plasma. Carbon atoms from the plasma then deposit onto a substrate to form a diamond.

Advantages of Lab Grown Diamonds Australia

Lab grown diamonds offer several advantages. First and foremost, they are hailed for their ethical and environmental impact, steering clear of the environmental and social concerns typically linked to traditional diamond mining. Additionally, these diamonds present a cost-effective alternative, often being more affordable than their naturally mined counterparts, making them an appealing choice for budget-conscious consumers. Furthermore, the controlled environment in which lab grown diamonds are cultivated ensures rigorous quality control, allowing for precise manipulation of the diamond's characteristics and resulting in the creation of high-quality gems. The versatility of lab grown diamonds extends beyond their ethical and sustainable aspects. Consumers have the opportunity to unleash their creativity by designing custom pieces that reflect their unique style and preferences. Whether it's an engagement ring, a pendant, or a pair of earrings, lab-grown diamonds provide a canvas for self-expression while contributing to a more sustainable future.

Best Lab Grown Diamonds

For those considering a lab grown diamond, Armans Fine Jewellery has a comprehensive selection and competitive pricing. Choosing Armans Fine Jewellry to buy lab grown diamonds is a decision that combines luxury, ethics, and impeccable craftsmanship. The skilled artisans at Armans Fine Jewellry take pride in their work, ensuring that every detail of your lab diamond piece is perfect. From the setting to the finishing touches, expect nothing short of perfection and a step towards a more sustainable and conscious future in the world of fine jewellery.

FAQs About Lab Grown Diamonds

Are Millennials buying lab grown diamonds?

Yes, younger generations are increasingly opting for lab grown diamonds due to factors such as cost, sustainability, and ethical considerations.

Is it OK to buy a lab grown diamond for an engagement ring?

Absolutely. Lab grown diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds and are a suitable choice for engagement rings. However, buyers should be aware of the potential depreciation in value.

Why are lab grown diamonds just as expensive?

While lab grown diamonds are generally less expensive than natural diamonds, their prices are influenced by the specialised equipment and skilled labour required in their production.

Why do people not buy lab grown diamonds?

Some individuals prefer natural diamonds for their rarity, sentimental value, and the unique journey of each natural diamond's formation over millions of years.

Lab grown diamonds have transformed the jewellery industry, offering a sustainable, ethical, and dazzling alternative to mined diamonds. As consumers become more conscious of their choices, the popularity of these gems continues to rise. By choosing lab grown diamonds, you not only adorn yourself with timeless beauty but also contribute to a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.